“We have a united purpose: to make Kaiser Permanente the BEST place to work and the BEST place to receive care. Partnership has got to be authentic, and it has to be about actions, not just words.”
The bargaining team for the Alliance Unions assembled on Tuesday in Anaheim and got right down to work. After we reached agreement with management on an updated version of the original 1997 LMP Agreement, bargaining has officially opened!
At the evening bargaining kick-off session, bargainers and Union observers heard speeches by representatives from the Unions, management, and the Permanente Federation.
“The last few months together have been a journey,” said UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan. “We have shown that we are fundamentally committed to Partnership. We have a united purpose: to make Kaiser Permanente the BEST place to work and the BEST place to receive care. Partnership has got to be authentic, and it has to be about actions, not just words.”
“Executive sponsorship is the key to success of every undertaking at Kaiser, including Partnership,” said Alliance Executive Director Peter diCicco. “And, Partnership is not simply the UBTs,” he added. “Rather, Partnership brings the unions to the table when there are problems identified, not when the solution has already been decided. The point of entry into decision-making is critical to us.”
Southern California Permanente Medical Group COO Annie Russell represented the medical group. “At Kaiser Permanente, we need to be ‘change ready’ to meet the demands of the current political, regulatory, and economic landscape.”
SCAL President Julie Miller-Phipps reminded the group that at Kaiser, “it’s always been about the people working in a collaborative way to fix our problems. We have a shared mission and it creates shared results for both Labor and Management. We want to continue to be the best place to work and to do the right thing for our patients.”
Bargaining resumes next week, Wednesday through Saturday, May 30-June 2. The 21 Local Unions in the Alliance are united, ready, and looking forward to finalizing a strong new collective bargaining agreement this summer.
The Alliance of Health Care Unions includes UNAC/UHCP and HGEA (AFSCME), UFCW Locals 1167, 135, 1428, 1442, 324, 770, 555, 7, 1996, 27, 400, and 21, USW Local 7600, IBT Local 166, KPNAA, IUOE Local 501 and Local 1, OFNHP (AFT Local 5017), and ILWU Local 28. Together, we represent over 45,000 members across hundreds of job classifications in nearly every geographic area where Kaiser Permanente has a presence. This alliance of like-minded unions shares a deep commitment to each other, as well as to a partnership with Kaiser Permanente.